Painting is just another way of keeping a diary ~Pablo Picasso

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tomales Bay

Day 13 in black and white, and my first field trip of the school year, a predawn trip to Point Reyes.  This was one of my first photos, and I'm very emotionally attached to it, because we stumbled upon the scene and the light was amazingly beautiful.  I'm really frustrated with how it converted though.  It should look like glowing predawn nighttime, and I think it looks both too bright and too dull.  In color it's a midnight blue, and the one light on is glowing orange.   I accidentally underexposed it, but I think this is because my eyes were so adjusted to the darkness that my display panel looked deceptively bright, and I didn't check the histogram.  Anyway, I've got several more photos from the trip that I want to post, so maybe I can use my time off to read up on how to better convert images in black and white!

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