Painting is just another way of keeping a diary ~Pablo Picasso

Friday, December 16, 2011

December 16

I didn't set out to make a sunset photo today.  I was out in Yolo just before sunset, and I was imagining getting a low light photo of the hills and shadows, but I didn't make it to my deadend road before the sun started setting.  Luckily the road is lined with these great trees!  So needless to say I was very happy to have gotten this shot.  Then I went into Woodland to run some errands, and when I came out the sky was the most beautiful magenta.  Of course I was in a parking lot then and no chance for any kind of nice photo.  I bet it was a once in a year sunset too (at least for here), and somehow I didn't see it coming.  So now I'm slightly less excited by this photo.  But that's because I know what it could have been if only I'd hung around for it!  I don't think I've ever photographed a magenta sunset, so now that's a goal of mine.

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