Painting is just another way of keeping a diary ~Pablo Picasso

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Clouds and Mist

 Another of my stops in the gorge, this time at Viento State Park. I love driving through the gorge in the winter months because it's often so misty like this.  Last year we stopped at a Starbucks for a cup of tea, and they had just switched their tea brands.  The new green tea was called Emporor's Clouds and Mist, and we thought that was the greatest name, because it was a cloudy and misty day, just like this one.  So somehow Clouds and Mist has stuck with me as a description of the gorge. 


TexWisGirl said...

even before you mentioned the tea name, i thought this scene looked like japanese art. :)

stardust said...

Nice shot! Clouds and mist really make the landscape look more atmospheric. I saw the past posts of mist series, too. I wonder if there are “Emperor’s clouds and mist” green tea at Starbucks in Japan. Anyway, drive carefully in the mist.


Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Gorgeous capture!