Painting is just another way of keeping a diary ~Pablo Picasso

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Home Sweet Home

I was so excited to see this little chickadee checking out the wren house just feet from my kitchen window.  If he moves in it will be only the second time that I know of that birds will have nested in this house which I painted a very long time ago. (1993?)  I took a Bavarian painting class when we were first stationed in Germany, so this was one of my little projects.  I always wondered if something about the paint kept the birds away early on.  Just last week I tried turning it to more of a south-facing angle, and I'm thinking that has helped make it more appealing.  Keeping my fingers crossed for some new neighbors at the kitchen window this spring!


Giga said...

Domek jest śliczny, kolorowy i nie dziwię się, ze ptaszek go odwiedził. *** Zauważyłam, że dzisiaj są problemy z tłumaczem u mnie, ale nie wiem czemu. Pozdrawiam.
The cottage is lovely, colorful and I am not surprised that the bird visited him. *** I noticed that today there are problems with the interpreter with me, but I do not know why. Yours.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, that's adorable! i hope they'll 'take it!' :)

Gail Dixon said...

Wouldn't that be something if they moved in! I'll bet changing its direction helped. Good luck!

Sketchbook Wandering said...

Oh, my so colorful your birdhouse, & what a nice memory for you to still have it. Chickadees stay around Maine in the winter, so sweet to see them crack their little seeds.

Folkways Note Book said...

Beautiful Bavarian art work on the cute little birdhouse.My experience with birdhouses is much like yours -- birds being finicky. Hopefully this wren will take up residence. -- barbara