Painting is just another way of keeping a diary ~Pablo Picasso

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Winter at Zigzag River

I photographed Zigzag River when we were camping up here last summer, and was thinking it might be a pretty photo in the fresh Christmas snow. So we drove up to Mt. Hood early yesterday morning for a winter photo hike. We never made it to the trailhead though because the access road hadn't been plowed and we didn't have our tire chains. This spot along the river is part of another trail we hadn't tried yet, and just as pretty. It's hard to go wrong in this area near Mt. Hood. So many nice trails to choose from, all created by the CCC back in the 1930s. I'm coming back up here soon for some more photography. Tire chains are in the car now just in case, but I'm hoping to learn the plowing schedule better so I can hit the sweet spot between fresh snow and newly plowed roads! 


Linda W. said...

Beautiful photo! A good place to go after it snows is White River Snow park, off Hwy 35. It can get a bit busy during holiday weekends, but just snowshoe, or ski a little ways past the parking lot and you'll have solitude. There's killer views of Mt. Hood.

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful milky waters! stay safe up there!

Folkways Note Book said...

Oh, so beautiful! You are brave souls to take that trip! -- barbara

Sketchbook Wandering said...

I love how you portray the water!! I wonder, do you snow shoe & cross country ski?