Painting is just another way of keeping a diary ~Pablo Picasso

Sunday, October 25, 2015


A rainy day, finally!  Time for a reprieve of the "through my rainy windshield" series.  Today, the ginkgo; I couldn't help noticing the yellowing ginkgo trees in the grocery store parking lot when I was running errands.  The ginkgo is such a cool tree.  I love the leaf shape, and how the leaves sprout out like fur along every branch.  I think it's got a pretty unique shape for trees. Turns out it's a very ancient tree, native to China, with fossils dating back 270 million years.  Common in the US for several hundred years, I mainly see it along easements and in parking lots. 


Linda W. said...

Very nice capture! Yes, I'm happy to see the rain return, despite spending a week on vacation battling the elements.

TexWisGirl said...

very nice.

Viera said...

lovely photo even though I am very happy that we don't have a rain those days...