Painting is just another way of keeping a diary ~Pablo Picasso

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 2

There wasn't too much decision-making needed for today's photo.  It was going to come from the Pumpkin Regatta at the Elk Grove Giant Pumpkin Festival!  This photo, which was taken after the race, has such nice color saturation it was my favorite.  There were seven pumpkin "boats" racing.  The racers hollow out the center,  sit in them like kayaks, and paddle across a pond and back.   One pumpkin sank almost immediately, and the racer swam, dragging his pumpkin behind.   Pumpkin weights (pre-hollowing, I assume) ranged from 400-ish lbs. up to 900-ish lbs.  The winning pumpkin was a 900 pounder.  But the biggest pumpkin on display at the festival weighed 1684.5 lbs.  The owner, who sat with his pumpkin for photos and was grinning ear to ear the whole time, won a price of $6.00/lbs. ($10,107) for his prize winning pumpkin!    I'm including a second photo FYI and FYA (for your amusement).  I'm getting lax with my blog rules, but a Pumpkin Regatta is a rare event, and maybe a little hard to imagine...

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