Painting is just another way of keeping a diary ~Pablo Picasso

Monday, November 18, 2013


In spring and fall, the Washington coastline is full of these migrating shorebirds.  They flock together in the thousands, and amaze bird-watchers with their intricate aerial maneuvers.  It's the pattern of striped upper wing and white under wing that is so mesmerizing to watch as the birds twist and turn in flight.  I was so happy to see small flocks of these birds dart back and forth along the coastline during our visit to Ocean Shores, Washington last week.  I read that a small number of these birds overwinter in Washington.  Lucky for us!


Sketchbook Wandering said...

Such a miracle, traveling flocks. In your photo it looks like they are united by an invisible thread as they highlight the silver sea ...

TexWisGirl said...

just beautiful! love the silvery blue backdrop the sea gives.

Folkways Note Book said...

Like your photo -- blues with horizontal bands -- one band filled with birds flying -- unique shot -- barbara