Also, a blog format note:'Next month is shaping up to be a very busy month with our move starting on Monday. We are only moving a few miles away, but I know I'll be too busy to blog daily for a while. Right now my goal is to get back to daily blogging in January, and to post when I can in December. We are heading back through Hood River this weekend, and up to Gifford Pinchot National Forest for a Christmas tree. Hope I'll have some photos from that trip to share next week.
Painting is just another way of keeping a diary ~Pablo Picasso
Friday, November 27, 2015
Hood River Marina
Also, a blog format note:'Next month is shaping up to be a very busy month with our move starting on Monday. We are only moving a few miles away, but I know I'll be too busy to blog daily for a while. Right now my goal is to get back to daily blogging in January, and to post when I can in December. We are heading back through Hood River this weekend, and up to Gifford Pinchot National Forest for a Christmas tree. Hope I'll have some photos from that trip to share next week.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Clouds and Mist
Another of my stops in the gorge, this time at Viento State Park. I love driving through the gorge in the winter months because it's often so misty like this. Last year we stopped at a Starbucks for a cup of tea, and they had just switched their tea brands. The new green tea was called Emporor's Clouds and Mist, and we thought that was the greatest name, because it was a cloudy and misty day, just like this one. So somehow Clouds and Mist has stuck with me as a description of the gorge.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Misty Falls
Continuing with my photo pit stops as I made my way into the gorge last week. Wahkeena Falls are just west of Multnomah. I've read there are 77 falls in the gorge, mostly on the Oregon side, and I believe it! Very pretty on a misty day like this, and actually much more vibrantly colorful than my camera captured, especially the golds and reds.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Wet Leaves
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Multnomah Falls in the Mist
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Cafe Scene
My 2016 calendar photos will be on display at North Shore Cafe in White Salmon, Washington through December. If you're in the gorge, and looking for a place to eat, stop in here (across the river from Hood River). Great organic food, fresh-pressed juice, and homemade chai with fresh-pressed ginger. If you do stop in, I highly recommend the chai! For a chai blog and photo, click the link here.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Avast, Me Hearties!
A cool old sailboat docked at Hood River Marina yesterday,
and the waters were reflection still...almost.
Linking to Weekend Reflections
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Old Farmhouse Orchard
I know I've been on a fall tree theme for a while now, and really want to switch to another subject, but I can't seem to keep away from trees! Not likely to change themes in the near future since I'm heading back out to Hood River and White Salmon later this morning. For today though, another view of the overgrown orchard at the old farmhouse near Woodland. It's a nice counterpoint to yesterday's photo. I appreciate the crispness and composition of today's view.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Through my Rainy Windshield #9
I took a wrong turn yesterday, and pulled into a drive to turn around during a spell of heavy rain. The drive led to an old farmhouse with overgrown orchard. Very colorful in the rain. I turned off the wipers and tried a rainy windshield photo for my series. I think it's too blurry, but I like the dark glow of a rainy fall day. Lucky to happen upon such a pretty spot for a turnaround.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Fall in Washington State
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Deep in the Pear Orchard
Friday, November 13, 2015
Cascade Locks 2
Linking to Weekend Reflections.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Monday, November 9, 2015
Forest Bathing
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Saturday, November 7, 2015
I walk past this property every day with Clover. An old abandoned house and barn on a beautiful lot. The house has all the stickers usually associated with a foreclosure, but nothing has ever come of it, which seems strange to me, because it's a good location and nice sized lot. I suppose it's the added cost of removing the rundown old home. The driveway is lined with overgrown apple trees, but they are quite healthy and produce and abundance of apples each year. Earlier this year I saw a lady park in the drive and get out with a laundry basket to collect the apples. I've considered doing something similar myself, but I think I missed my chance for this year. Unfortunately the old barn got some graffiti a few weeks ago, the emperor Zorg from Buzz Lightyear; an unlikely graffiti subject! So for the time being, Zorg will watch over this property too, and see if anyone buys it and fixes it up.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Cascade Locks
Calm waters on the Columbia near Cascade Locks,
along with a nice break in clouds,
made for an interesting framed reflection.
Linking to Weekend Reflections.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Mt. Adams from Hood River
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Hood River Valley

(One technical side note on this photo. I used my polarizer, and it made a huge difference in how vivid the rainbow looked. This is how it looked to me, but without the polarizer the camera captured it more washed out. I was not imagining I'd get such good results, mainly because I don't like using it in water reflection shots, since it takes away the reflection. So this was a learning photo for me. Polarizer and rainbows: good)
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Monday, November 2, 2015
Meandering Creek
Cedar Creek meandering back toward its natural path just after the grist mill. The water is surprisingly lazy-looking at this point. The white path is a little deceptive; it's not white water, but actually is caused by some sort of foam that develops in the chute. I was wondering why the foam would be there at all. The mill is in a very rural location, and I can't imagine much upstream that would cause any sort of soapy foam. Maybe it forms naturally, but I had always assumed it was soapy pollution. Anyway, the white foam took a path, which I decided to highlight with the long exposure.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Rainy Day at the Grist Mill
We headed out to the grist mill yesterday for the annual cider pressing event. (Grist mill photo just to the right of this's the cover for my 2016 calendar.) I was expecting scant crowds because of the weather, but boy was I wrong! The line for cider extended from the mill across the covered bridge, shown in background of my photo from under the cedar tree. We got 2 inches of rain, which is a lot for one afternoon in drizzly Washington. An umbrella rain, as we say. We wimped out, skipped the cider, picked up the fresh ground winter wheat for our long-ferment, gluten-neutralized sourdough, and headed home. I'll pick up some cider at the store later on today.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Friday, October 30, 2015
Change of Pace
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Staying Balanced
Always a good idea if you can pull it off!
My apologies for the repetitive subject matter this month. I usually try to make the blog topics more varied in content, just because I think it's probably more interesting to the viewer. But I'm awfully busy this month, and really am curious to do a more in depth study of some photos. Today's photo...balance. I definitely like the compositional balance here, but the depth of focus is really a frustration, so I'm going to focus on that (technical info to follow...) One thing I've learned doing this blog is that if I use my 80-200 lens and I zoom to 200, then I can pull the depth of field to almost nothing. I've used this to my advantage for the most part, but sometimes it's really a double-edged sword. Here is a perfect example. The leaf on the left is annoyingly out of focus. From the image, it looks like it's closer to the lens, although I'm not exactly sure what the difference in distance is between that left balancing leaf and the three on the right (where I focused the lens). I'm at 105mm focal length, which is about half of what this lens can do. The distance between leaves can't be more than a foot and is likely about six inches; this just isn't that big of a tree. I'm at f/9 which should be a pretty good depth of field, and my estimate for the leaf distance is probably five feet. How can the depth of field possible drop off that much when I'm only zooming to 105mm? Why can't I pull all the leaves into focus? I don't really want to slow the shutter speed down because it's such an awkward camera angle. Technical help welcome!
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Looking Up
An informal study of a favorite tree of mine. I photographed it last week (and last year, and the year before), but just feel like focusing on it this week. I'm reserving the right to change my mind, but for today it seems like a nice theme. I like the idea of looking up, because this month is really kicking my butt. And I like the idea of a narrow focus, because...same reason. Plus we're moving in a month (mind you, just a few miles away on the other side of the highway), but it's not likely that I'll return to this tree once we've moved, so that's about it in terms of excuses. Looking up this week...I like the large heart-shaped leaf. I considered bringing all the branches to the end of the frame to give it more of a grid feel, but I liked the open space on the right better. Big-hearted view for today.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Monday, October 26, 2015
Sunday, October 25, 2015
A rainy day, finally! Time for a reprieve of the "through my rainy windshield" series. Today, the ginkgo; I couldn't help noticing the yellowing ginkgo trees in the grocery store parking lot when I was running errands. The ginkgo is such a cool tree. I love the leaf shape, and how the leaves sprout out like fur along every branch. I think it's got a pretty unique shape for trees. Turns out it's a very ancient tree, native to China, with fossils dating back 270 million years. Common in the US for several hundred years, I mainly see it along easements and in parking lots.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Friday, October 23, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Settling Pond
There are settling ponds at the end of every street in my neighborhood. Lots of care taken here in the Pacific Northwest for protecting wildlife habitats, and especially for the salmon. This tiny pond is next to a newly constructed playground behind our subdivision.
Linking to Weekend Reflection.
Linking to Weekend Reflection.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Familiar Scene
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Monday, October 19, 2015
Sunday, October 18, 2015
A Yellow Wood
Saturday, October 17, 2015
A Little Bit of Color
I decided to try to get out to the horse trails at least once a week this fall, to follow the progression of color change. Not a lot of potential for change in this particular scene, but I did like what was going on and the light was nice. Peaceful as always on this path. It's a quiet forest, and often the only sounds are birds chirping and water dripping from the branches.
Friday, October 16, 2015
I See You!
Linking to Weekend Reflections.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Thin Slice
Right now I'm listening to the audiobook Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, and he's just discussed the concept of thin slicing, which is a way we gather a lot of information in a very small slice of observation. It's quite effective for the most part, but of course doesn't always work. The drive to the campus today was just one of those times. Patchy fog was lingering. Lots of elevation change in this area, and it was such a thin layer of fog that it was sunny and clear both below by the highway and above at the campus. The thin little band of fog gives a very deceptive view of our weather, but it did make for a nice range of value in such a small space!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Lacy Duck Pond
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Setting Goals
Coming back to the blog after a summer break, I set a goal for myself: to post everyday for the next few months at least. Even if my photo is just a quick snapshot like today. I can see it will be challenging, because I've gotten myself busy with some other projects, and now (drum roll...very exciting news) we've purchased a house! I'm sticking with my goal though. At least for now. I like the self-discipline of it, and the habit-creating potential for me, and the fact that eventually I'll have to make time for a few photo field trips. I've got some busy months ahead of me, so as for the photo goal, one day at a time.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Reading the Leaves
Falling leaves were making interesting patterns on the pavement when I was walking Clover and Georgie yesterday. I was imagining it as some sort of code, like reading tea leaves. If there was a message to be found, then maybe they were warning me that a downpour would arrive once we reached our furthest point from home. I was totally unprepared; no rain gear. One good thing I learned though: my camera fits in a doggy bag!
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Friday, October 9, 2015
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Mirror Lake
One of many Mirror Lakes, I'm sure. This one reflecting Mt. Adams, near the Bird Lake Meadow trail head. The photo was taken during my hike in late June, and lost in draft mode on my blog. I think I was saving it for a weekend reflection and then forgot. After a really hot summer, it has cooled off a bit here, and we've had some rain, so Mt. Adams happens to be looking about this snowy again.
Linking to Weekend Reflections
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