Painting is just another way of keeping a diary ~Pablo Picasso

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sidewalk Squares

I was surprised to find this purple sidewalk glass earlier today when I was walking in downtown Vancouver.  I first encountered it during the Underground Tour in Seattle's Pioneer Square District.  In Seattle, the original street level was raised one floor, I believe to correct drainage issues.  Anyway, the original ground floor found itself underground.  And when the sidewalks were added, they included these purple prism lights, which funneled light down to the basement level understreet.  This was all done in the late 1800s.  I suppose these sidewalk skylights were installed at about the same time here in Vancouver.  I wonder what is under this sidewalk!  I think these squares are made with amethyst, but I"m not sure on that.  They're awfully pretty in my opinion, and really I think they've held up pretty well. 


TexWisGirl said...

really pretty marble look!

Sketchbook Wandering said...

Oh, yes, awfully pretty, each one a composition. I'm impressed with the work & aesthetics that went into this project...

Folkways Note Book said...

These are beautiful squares -- surely to provide light below. They must be made of very thick glass to withstand the traffic after all these years. You have a great eye -- barbara