Painting is just another way of keeping a diary ~Pablo Picasso
Saturday, July 30, 2011
July 30
I got a chance to play around with my new lens (17-55/f2.8) while we were waiting for our table at Olive Garden tonight. This is just some old lavender growing at the edge of the parking lot. It was pretty lighting, I thought.
Friday, July 29, 2011
July 29

Friday, July 22, 2011
July 22
Today we toured the Stanislaus River Parks, which are run by the Corp of Engineers. This covered bridge at Knights Ferry, spanning 330 ft., is the longest west of the Mississippi. If I photographed the inside of the bridge from one end, the light at the other end was just a dot in the photo. Here we're close to the end of the bridge. I had fun playing around in manual mode, controlling how much light to let in.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
July 21

One other comment I'll make here: Summer 2011 is the time I got comfortable shooting in manual, and I'm very happy with the effects I can achieve. So now I'm almost always working in manual and spot-metering on my subject, then dialing my settings to get the best exposure. I actually can't remember what the meter showed here, but I think probably it was slightly over-exposed.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
July 20
Back to the garden again today. I spent some time photographing the tomatillo plant and watching bees come and go. My favorite photos were the simpler ones with just the blossoms though. Usually back lit. I brought a chair out the the garden, and I have to admit I felt a little bit like Marlon Brando in the Godfather when he's in the garden with his grandson. Not the dying part. The watching the garden grow part. I'm learning that different bees pollinate different plants. And that they come in groups about every half hour. I'm learning the difference between pumpkin and squash blossoms, and between male and female blossoms. And my pumpkin plant that I was complaining about the other day now has two little pumpkins. More Bert than Ernie in shape. Fun to see the changes each day. Still working with my prime lens, and f/2.2. Right now I think it captures the garden mood best.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
July 19
Monday, July 18, 2011
July 18
I think the vine is my pumpkin plant, although it's a little crowded in this stretch, so butternut squash or bon bon squash are also possibilities. No pumpkins yet. Lots and lots of vines and blooms, but no pumpkins. On the other hand, four large butternut squash so far. I'm growing to love the plants that put their energy into producing fruit. They take up less space and yet have much to offer. And the pumpkins better get going if we're going to have something to carve at Halloween! My Valenciano white pumpkin plant has three pumpkins growing, so at least we won't have to have a Jack-o-lantern butternut squash...although come to think of it, that would be interesting...
Saturday, July 16, 2011
July 16
Our hike up the Old Stage Road at Mt. Tam. This was one of our sunny patches. From our view at the West Point Inn we saw fog roll through twice, and we had to travel through several different weather patterns, although you wouldn't guess it from this shot. It's supposed to be "the road less traveled." I took about five or six photos of this scene, but my favorite by far was the one with Anna above the horizon line. I think it's the most interesting, and now recall my teacher saying that if you're photographing people and a horizon line then it's best if the people break the horizon. I took the photo from more of a ground level perspective to make the road bigger. I was probably just kneeling. I'm not so hard corp as to lie on a dirt road for a photo...yet :) Anna thinks she looks like a hippy here, but I'm really happy with her choice of clothing today. It looks like Rainbow Girl heading to her job in the sky!
Friday, July 15, 2011
July 14
Ok, this was much harder than I was imagining! We're going to try again on the 15th because one of our local newspapers listed the full moon on the 14th and the other listed the 15th. Plus we need the practice! The main problem was the trees in the background. We had to put Eric on a hill, but the only option was to make him a giant. So I need to scout out a field with a clear shot facing east, then I can get a good distance between us and zoom in the make him closer in size to the moon. Also I don't like how dark this came out. But if I made lighting adjustments we lost the silhouette effect. So with any luck, I'll post a second try at this for the 15th!
The thing I like about this shot is that he looks like Kokopelli. A whole mythology could be built around this giant who controls the moon...
The thing I like about this shot is that he looks like Kokopelli. A whole mythology could be built around this giant who controls the moon...
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
July 13
Ah Rd.96. My favorite country road around here. Last year there were watermelons growing in this field for seed. I cut through here today on my way home because we had a nice sky with clouds again and I thought it would work well with the sunflowers, but ended up using the windmill instead. I think this is f/14, and I had to move my ISO up to 400 with my polarizer on. Although I'm not seeing the polarizer here, so I think I didn't adjust that as I was changing angles, so it was wasted on light loss. I'm surprised by how blurry the windmill is still. I guess it's because I'm standing so close to the sunflowers (the photo was hardly composable as I imagined it...I'm already right at the edge of the field and I didn't want that redwood in the shot). The sunflowers should be up for a few more weeks, so I'll try again before they fade...
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
July 12
It's a Black-Crowned Night-Heron! Before today I didn't know it existed, and now I have another bird in my Pokedex. Always a good day :) I drove through the Yolo Basin this morning, and he was sitting in a pond right at the edge of the road, so I actually took this photo through the passenger window (rolled down). I've got plenty of him standing and also squawking. And some showing his demonic red eyes. I hardly ever catch a bird taking off like this. That's because I lack patience. I either give up waiting for them to take off, or I somehow miss the moment it happens because I'm not looking through the view finder at that second. This time I could tell he was about to take off and caught it...although with a little bit of lag time. This was as quickly as I could press the shutter release. Afterwards I remembered that I had my camera set so that if I kept the shutter release pressed, the camera would take multiple photos. That's a setting that I regrettably never remember to use. I also wish that he took off in a different direction. I guess this view shows his nice little jacket. And he's got this feather string coming off the crown of his head that you can sort of see too.
Monday, July 11, 2011
July 11
Another food photo today...
This one is from my garden though. It's my first harvest that's big enough to make a salad with :)
I've been harvesting herbs and some tomatoes for a while now, but all of a sudden things are really taking off. The tomatoes in the front are a Genovese heirloom. There are also some others in there that are more pear shaped; I've lost their tag so I don't know the variety. The pear shaped ones are tasteless and too meaty. I'm curious about how the Genovese ones will taste! I've been picking cherry tomatoes for a while now, but they never make it into the house; that's my gardening snack. They are the most flavorful. Also in the bowl is a little purple pepper, my second. It's called amethyst. It's thin like a poblano, but not hot. And in the back three varieties of basil. So that's the salad for tonight. I've got lots a squash growing most prolific plants are butternut and spaghetti. No pumpkins yet. Some peperoncini and cayenne peppers, but no other bell peppers growing besides the purple ones. Three tomatillos, and a zucchini. No cucumbers yet either. Also plenty of blooms on my eggplant but no little plants. The blooms are pretty though, so I'm thinking of photogrpahing them soon.
As for the photography, it seems like most food photography in magazines has this slightly overexposed look, so that's what I went for. It's metered on the tomatoes, so they've got the best color. I think it's f/2.8 so it blurs pretty quickly deeper in the photo.
What is that speck in the lower left hand corner? A crumb? It drives me nuts; it's very distracting! But it's too late to redo...
This one is from my garden though. It's my first harvest that's big enough to make a salad with :)
I've been harvesting herbs and some tomatoes for a while now, but all of a sudden things are really taking off. The tomatoes in the front are a Genovese heirloom. There are also some others in there that are more pear shaped; I've lost their tag so I don't know the variety. The pear shaped ones are tasteless and too meaty. I'm curious about how the Genovese ones will taste! I've been picking cherry tomatoes for a while now, but they never make it into the house; that's my gardening snack. They are the most flavorful. Also in the bowl is a little purple pepper, my second. It's called amethyst. It's thin like a poblano, but not hot. And in the back three varieties of basil. So that's the salad for tonight. I've got lots a squash growing most prolific plants are butternut and spaghetti. No pumpkins yet. Some peperoncini and cayenne peppers, but no other bell peppers growing besides the purple ones. Three tomatillos, and a zucchini. No cucumbers yet either. Also plenty of blooms on my eggplant but no little plants. The blooms are pretty though, so I'm thinking of photogrpahing them soon.
As for the photography, it seems like most food photography in magazines has this slightly overexposed look, so that's what I went for. It's metered on the tomatoes, so they've got the best color. I think it's f/2.8 so it blurs pretty quickly deeper in the photo.
What is that speck in the lower left hand corner? A crumb? It drives me nuts; it's very distracting! But it's too late to redo...
Sunday, July 10, 2011
July 10
Just liked the glow on these day lilies. I don't think the composition is that great, and overall maybe it's too stark. It was taken around 10:30am, and probably facing south because it's backlit. THe background is either a house or fence. Not sure what the white specks are; maybe light coming through the fence? And I'm shooting in manual and spot metering on the lilies. That's why the photo is overall so dark. But the glow is cool...
Saturday, July 9, 2011
July 9
I'm not really a food photographer, as you can see. But I think I'm a pretty good pie baker! This one was a labor of love. Key Lime Meringue Pie for someone's birthday today. Cooling on the counter for later question is where will we put the candles?
Monday, July 4, 2011
July 4
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